After the 9th annual meeting in Montpellier which has gathered 250 participants, SFNano will organize its 10th annual meeting from December 3 to 5th, 2024 in Toulouse.


Five sessions will be organized in 2024 with the following cutting-edge topics: New approaches for nanomedicine: (1) Cancer; (2) Imaging, Diagnostics, Theranostics; (3) New approaches for nanomedicine: infectious and immune diseases, CNS, cardiovascular, vaccination, nucleic acids; (4) Translational studies  from scale up to Clinical applications; (5) (Nano)Materials Chemistry: polymers, lipids, gels, peptides.

Prestigious speakers have already confirmed their presence: Mike Mitchell, Cécilia Ménard-Moyon, Louis Buscail, Pierre Cordelier, Gregor Fuhrmann, Agata Exner, Karsten Haupt, Maria Concepción Serrano, Giuseppe Battaglia, Nguyen Thanh.


Deadline for abstract: October 11th, 2024

Deadline for early bird registration: November 1st, 2024

Do not miss the opportunity to meet Nanomedicine experts and to share your scientific results. A dedicated website will open in July with more information about registration, full program, and abstract submission.