Summer-School 2021

Extracellular vesicles Be part of the next SFNano Summer School 2020 that will take place in La Grande Motte, France September 13-15th, 2021 A limited number of abstracts will be selected for a short oral presentation (deadline for abstract…

SFNano - PhD Award

SFNano PhD award 2020   SFNano is launching a call for the SFNano PhD award 2020. This award will be rewarding a young PhD holder for his/her significant contribution to the field of Nanomedicine. Any type of research is eligible…


CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE YOUNG PARTICIPANTS !   Best oral prizes: Raphaël CORNU: Small Silica Nanoparticles Transiently Modulate the Intestinal Permeability by Actin Cytoskeleton Disruption & Alba NICOLAS-BOLUDA…

annual meeting postponed

Due to the lack of reliable information regarding the evolution of Covid19, SFNano has chosen to postpone the annual meeting to 2021. There will therefore be no congress in 2020, but you can already book your dates from December 6 to 8, 2021…

Sponsorship 2023


Congratulations -Nobel prize Medicine

Congratulations !   On Monday 2 October, Prof Katalin Karikó and Prof Drew Weissman (University of Pennsylvania, USA) were both awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their pioneering work demonstrating the importance…


MetrINo project: determination of regulatory standards in nanomedicine In order to meet the needs and challenges of the European nanomedicine community regarding regulatory standards, we are pleased to announce the launch of the METRINO project,…

2 SFNano board members appointed to the IUF

                   Ariane BOUDIER and Elise LEPELTIER, members of the SFNano board, have just been selected as members of the IUF. Congratulations! With Chantal…

15 month contract Engineer / Postdoctoral position Rennes

TITLE : Development of hybrid gold nanocapsules for combination therapy. DISCIPLINE/SECTEURS APPLICATION : Nanochemistry / Nanoparticles / Polymers / Formulation / Nanomedicine / Theranostics MOTS CLES : Nanoparticles assembly; Nanoprecipitation…

Doctoral Network Melomanes : 12 PhD offers!

The IBMC lab and the European PhD network Melomanes are currently recruiting 12 PhD students in nanomedicine in a wide range of disciplines (physical chemistry, bioinformatics, toxicology, biology, medicine, ethics, etc.). All information…

Claire Monge won the bronze medal of the CNRS in 2023

Congratulations to Claire Monge, member of the SFNano board, for obtaining this year the CNRS bronze medal, in the Biotechnology category! Presentation of Claire's work Biotechnology researcher specializing in the engineering of mucosal…

Welcome on board 2023!

In 2023, SFNano welcomes 4 new board members: Drs. Jeanne Leblond Chain, Claire Monge, Cédric Chauvrierre and Andrey Klymchenko Jeanne Leblond Chain is a drug delivery expert focused on stimuli-responsive systems. Equipped with an engineer…

ATER position in drug formulation at the University of Poitiers

An ATER position in drug formulation will be open at the University of Poitiers for the academic year 2023-2024.   The person recruited will work on the development of aerosols and nanoparticles to treat pulmonary infections.   Online…


INSERM: Advances in therapeutic applications of extracellular vesicles   Registrations at   REGISTRATION…

ESMI meeting in Salzburg

18th European Molecular Imaging Meeting | EMIM 2023   Registrations are still available ! Find the PROGRAMME , PLENARY SPEAKERS , ABSTRACT SUBMISSION,  REGISTRATION, TRAVEL & ACCOMMODATION and much more online ! &nbs…
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SFNano is partner of the symposium J of E-MRS 2023 Spring Meeting

We are happy to inform you about our symposium J at Spring Meeting E-MRS 2023 on "Design and scaling up of theranostic nanoplatforms for health: towards translational studies". A special session on "Drug delivery" driven by SFNano will be…


 Annual meeting of the French Society of Nanomedicine   The seven annual meeting of the SFNano took place in Strasbourg from 5 to 7 December 2022. These scientific days, introduced by Dr. Jean-Luc Coll, President of SFNano, have been…

SFNano 2022 best young talk

The SFNano 2022 award for the best young talk has been attributed to Lucie Haye from Laboratoire de Bioimagerie et Pathologies, Strasbourg, France. Title of the talk: Gold Nanocluster Loaded Polymer Nanoparticles for SWIR Imaging. &nb…

SFNano 2022 best oral presentation

The award for the best SFNano 2022 oral presentation was given to Cristina Chirizzi from the Laboratory of SupraBioNano Materials, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. Title of the talk: The role of the bio-nano interface on cellular uptake…