Summer-School 2021

Extracellular vesicles Be part of the next SFNano Summer School 2020 that will take place in La Grande Motte, France September 13-15th, 2021 A limited number of abstracts will be selected for a short oral presentation (deadline for abstract…

SFNano - PhD Award

SFNano PhD award 2020   SFNano is launching a call for the SFNano PhD award 2020. This award will be rewarding a young PhD holder for his/her significant contribution to the field of Nanomedicine. Any type of research is eligible…


CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE YOUNG PARTICIPANTS !   Best oral prizes: Raphaël CORNU: Small Silica Nanoparticles Transiently Modulate the Intestinal Permeability by Actin Cytoskeleton Disruption & Alba NICOLAS-BOLUDA…

annual meeting postponed

Due to the lack of reliable information regarding the evolution of Covid19, SFNano has chosen to postpone the annual meeting to 2021. There will therefore be no congress in 2020, but you can already book your dates from December 6 to 8, 2021…


Thank you !   Building on its success, registrations for the annual SFNano meeting are complete and closed!   Find the  program online or download the pdf file.    See you in Strasbourg  


A nice study of interest for the SFNano community available in open access :  


Training School   The COST action "INNOGLY" (Innovation with glycans: new frontiers from synthesis to new biological targets,, with the support of the WG3 (Working Group 3: Glycan dependent fine tuning of immunity), is…

SFNano & CRS

A joint initiative leaded by board members of SFNano and CRS BeNeLux & France Local Chapter   We are pleased to announce a chapter contribution “Nanomedicine for the management of colorectal cancer on the 2030 horizon?” to…

Brightsens Diagnostics

Brightsens Diagnostics supports SFNano 2022 !   The current molecular diagnostics techniques based on PCR are relatively slow, expensive and require qualified personnel, which make them incompatible with point-of-care testing. BrightSens…

Quality requirements for nanomedicines

Quality requirements for nanomedicines: what role should the European Pharmacopoeia play? Date: 7-8 June 2022 Venue:  EDQM Premises, 7 allée Kastner, 67081 Strasbourg, France Working language: English   7 JUNE TO 8 JUNE…


The European School On Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies is a two-week course aimed at providing training for graduate students, postdoctoral and junior scientists from universities and laboratories, all around the world, in the field of Nanosciences…

Collaboration with the journal Biomedicines

Dear Colleagues,  In collaboration with the journal Biomedicines (Impact factor 6.081), I organize the Topical Collection "Feature Papers in Gene and Cell Therapy", which is now open for submission of manuscripts. The full description can…

Quelle médecine dans 20 ans?

QUELLE MÉDECINE DANS 20 ANS ? Soigner des cancers jusque-là incurables, remplacer des organes déficients... Chercheurs, professeurs et experts en e-santé nous ont présenté leurs prévisions pour les avancées thérapeutiques…


Workshop "Caractérisation avancée de médicaments et dispositifs médicaux à base de nanomatériaux" Date : 30 Juin 2022 - 9h30 – 17h00 Lieu : Paris Modalités d'inscription à venir OBJECTIFS DE LA JOURNEE Les nanomédicaments…


The 3rd edition of NANOinBIO international conference endorsed by Nano Letter and ACS Publications will take place from May 30 to June 5. We will be pleased to welcoming you and see some of your valuable works during this international event. Please…

AI-driven cancer nanotherapies: from computation to clinic

FREE EVENT: AI-driven cancer nanotherapies: from computation to clinic Free workshop about evolutionary artificial intelligence to help design and test nanoparticles as carriers for drug delivery to treat cancerous tumours. Location: virtual…

C'Nano meeting

12ème séminaire résidentiel « Valorisez la recherche en nanosciences par la création d’entreprise » du C’Nano. Ce séminaire aura lieu du 27 mars au 1er avril 2022 au Château de la Cour Senlisse (78).  « Valorisez la…

SFNano special issue in IJP

Submissions (original research articles or reviews) are opened for the Special Issue SFNano 2021 of the International Journal of Pharmaceutics (IF 5.875, Elsevier) until March 31st, 2022. Contributions will undergo full review, according to…

RITS 2022 symposium

Chers collègues, Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que les soumissions (sous forme d'abstract, orales et posters) pour l’édition 2022 des journées RITS (Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé) parrainées par la SFGBM…

Season's Greetings_2022

SFNano is wishing you a healthy and happy 2022 !