Entries by Lucie Sancey

SFNano PhD Award 2019-EN

    SFNano is launching his first PhD award to reward an innovative and dedicated PhD work in the field of Nanomedicine carried out a in a French University or « Grande Ecole ». The price of 500€ will reward a laureate on the basis of the originality and excellence of his/her PhD work, defended between September 1st, […]


Loynachan and colleagues have just published in September 2019 the paper entitled “Renal clearable catalytic gold nanoclusters for in vivo disease monitoring” in the journal Nature Nanotechnology. The authors report the synthesis of ~2 nm catalytic gold nanoclusters modified with protease substrates that respond to disease-related enzymes. The probe can be filtered through the kidneys […]

Women in Nanomedicine

María José Alonso PhD University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). María José Alonso is Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). Her lab has pioneered discoveries in the field of nanomedicine and drug delivery. She has participated in a high number of international research consortia financed by the WHO, the […]


SFNano & Nobel project

SFNano is part of the European Nobel Project. Nanotechnologies impact all fields of healthcare Nanomedicine has the potential to enable early detection and prevention and to drastically improve diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of many diseases, including cancer but not only. Nanomedicine has nowadays hundreds of products under clinical trials, covering all major diseases including cardiovascular, […]

2nd French Society of Extracellular Vesicles Congress

The 2nd Congress of the French Society of Extracellular Vesicles (FSEV) will be held in Nantes, France on 14-15 October 2019. This event will focus on the role of extracellular vesicles in health & disease. With 200 attendees at the 1rst congress in 2017, this is the perfect occasion to meet basic scientists, clinicians and […]


Thomas Ebbesen, physico-chimiste, est lauréat de la médaille d’or 2019 du CNRS La médaille d’or du CNRS, l’une des plus prestigieuses récompenses scientifiques françaises, distingue cette année le physico-chimiste franco-norvégien Thomas Ebbesen. Ses travaux en nanosciences, fortement interdisciplinaires, couvrent des domaines aussi divers que les sciences des matériaux carbonés, l’optique, la nano-photonique et la chimie […]